Huduma Kenya
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Kenya School of Government,Kabete

Today 5th December,  2024 at KSG Nairobi, HKS, KSG and NPS presented a joint report on the planned implementation of CSE Training Framework for NPS. The event was graced by the IG NPS (Mr. Douglas Kanja), NPS DIG Mr. Masengeli , DCI Director Mohammed Amin, NPS Secretary Administration, Madam Barnice Lemedeket, Huduma CEO Mr. Benjamin Kai, Director General KSG Prof.Nura Mohammed and teams from the 3 partners.

The leadership appreciated the CSE technical team, for the report and endorsed its implementation to inculcate the Huduma CSE culture through the different CSE programs to over 100,000 NPS officers.

NPS plans to incorporate the 'NPS-customized' CSE Training Framework into the NPS Strategic Plan.

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